Part 1: Extract the data
First create the destination table structure in the SQL Server. This will be handy when generating mapping fileBulk Copy Program bcp.exe
This will generate the mapping file as xml shown belowbcp.exe [dbmame].[dbo].[table] format nul -f format.xml -x -S .\sqlexpress -T -cThe generated format.xml mapping file is shown below
T-SQL OPENROWSET (BULK ..) to read text file into SQL Server
- data.txt : data file
- error.txt : place-holder name for moving erroneous rows
- format.xml : mapping file discussed above
SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'E:\..\data.txt', ERRORFILE = 'E:\..\error.txt', MAXERRORS = 100, FORMATFILE = 'E:\..\format.xml' ) AS TUnfortunately OPENROWSET does not accept parameters. So the only way is to create a dynamic sql string and execute using T-SQL sp_executesql say for example when looping through folder of files
INSERT INTO dbo.Table..( Id, ...) exec sp_executesql @querydelemeting single qoute is tricky one
set @query = 'SELECT '+@recnumber+' AS recnumber, * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK ' + '''' + @path +@fileName + '''' +', FORMATFILE = ' + ''''+ @formatfile + '''' +' ) AS T'To read all the files in a particular folder use the extended stored procedure master.sys.xp_dirtree
CREATE TABLE #files ( [filename] NVARCHAR(255), depth INT, [isfile] BIT ) insert into #files exec master.sys.xp_dirtree @path,0,1 select * from #filesuse this simple construct to loop through all files using While
While ( (Select Count(*) From #files) > 0 ) Begin select Top 1 @fileName = [filename] From #files --your exec here.. delete from #files where [filename]=@fileName End
Part 2: Transform the data
sample data which need to be grouped and concatenatedRecNo Property Data 71594 URN 1317604 71594 MED Sertraline | ? | Daily 71594 SAV CALLAWAY, kelly | 08/08/2016 | 11:05 71594 SAV CALLAWAY, kelly | 08/08/2016 | 11:07 71594 SAV SINANAJ, jasmina | 08/08/2016 | 13:44T-SQL for XML comes to rescue FOR XML PATH('')
SELECT RecNo, Property, Count(*) AS [Num], STUFF (( SELECT ', [' + Data +'] ' FROM dbo.TABLE1 AS I WHERE I.RecNo=O.RecNo AND I.Property=O.Property FOR XML PATH('') ),1,1,'') Csv FROM Mig.MIGRN_TRIAGE AS O GROUP BY RecNo, PropertyNow the result table looks like this
RecNo Property Data 71594 URN [1317604] 71594 MED [Sertraline | ? | Daily] 71594 SAV [CALLAWAY, kelly | 08/08/2016 | 11:05],[CALLAWAY, kelly | 08/08/2016 | 11:07] ,[SINANAJ, jasmina | 08/08/2016 | 13:44]Use PIVOT to transform row data to columnar data
PIVOT_TABLE AS( select P.* from (select RecNo, Property, Csv from dbo.TABLE1 ) as T PIVOT( Max( Csv) for [Property] in ([KID],[PRO],[MED],[SAV] ) ) AS P )
Part 3: Load the Data
Use the OLE DB drivers to load data into another SQL Server/Oracle ...--EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1; --RECONFIGURE; --EXEC sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1; --RECONFIGURE; SELECT TOP 10 * FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI' ,'Server=.\sqlexpress2016;Trusted_Connection=yes;database=dbname' ,'select * from [dbo].[table1]') AS A SELECT TOP 10 * FROM OPENDATASOURCE('SQLNCLI', 'Data Source=.\sqlexpress; Integrated Security=SSPI' ).[dbmame].[dbo].[table1]
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